zaterdag 25 augustus 2012

Automatically Maintain OTL Timekeeper Groups

Jolie IT has developed a custom solution for automatically maintaining your Timekeeper Groups in Oracle EBS R12.
This is a generic solution that has been proven to work very well and prevents customers from the tedious job of manually maintaining their Timekeeper Groups in OTL.

How does it work ?

Standard EBS functionality
1. In Oracle HRMS create a Dynamic Assignment Set by the same name as the Timekeeper Group you wish to maintain automatically.
2. Add all dynamic criteria for the Assignment Set on which you want to base your Timekeeper Group. You can use all dynamic criteria that Oracle HRMS provides. This is quite a long list, see list of Assignment Set Criteria
The most common criteria used, besides Payroll (mandatory), are Organization and Job. You can specify as many criteria as you like however, as long as they are provided by Oracle HRMS.

Custom extension
3. Run custom concurrent program "Refresh Timekeeper Groups". This concurrent program can be scheduled as frequently as you wish. It refreshes all your Timekeeper Groups for which you defined a Dynamic Assignment Set with the same name. All updates to your Timekeeper Groups are handled by using Oracle API's of course, so no hassle with Oracle support, patches and upgrades.

Very simple, very straightforward !

You can order this solution or get more info by sending an email to

When ordered you will get:
- software (wrapped)
- installation manual including usage instructions

Price: EUR 2999,- ex. VAT, no consultancy included

woensdag 25 april 2012

Voor ZZP-ers: eenmanszaak of BV

Veel ZZP-ers / freelancers die ik spreek worstelen met dit dilemma. 
Als je het puur fiscaal wilt bekijken dan is er nu een handige app om te bekijken wat in fiscaal opzicht het meest voordelig is: link naar de app
Houd er wel rekening mee dat een BV hogere instandhoudingskosten heeft dan een eenmanszaak. Dit aspect wordt volgens mij niet meegenomen in de app.


Are you still afraid of using PL/SQL functions in your SQL queries ?
Are you optimizing performance by saving data in global PL/SQL variables ?
Are you storing lookup data in PL/SQL tables ?

Check out the new 11G feature PL/SQL RESULT_CACHE.

Read this article for more information: pl/sql function result cache

When you are on version 11.1 do not forget the relies_on clause, when using the result_cache option in your PL/SQL functions !!! When on 11.2, you are lucky: the relies_on clause is no longer required.